Press Releases

Warner, Kaine Announce More than $15.4 Million in Homeland Security Funding for Virginia

DHS grants support local, state ability to prevent terrorism & other disasters

Feb 16 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) today announced that Virginia will receive federal preparedness grants totaling more than $15.4 million from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to help combat terrorism and respond to other disasters and emergencies. The funding was made available through the State Homeland Security Grant Program and the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program run by DHS’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Additionally, FEMA allocated over $53 million to the National Capital Region, which includes Northern Virginia, as part of the Urban Area Security Initiative to address the unique needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and assist them in enhancing their capacity to prevent terrorism.

“As former governors, we each recognize and value the importance of the federal, state, and local partnerships that help keep Virginians safe every day,” said Sens. Warner and Kaine.  “These homeland security grants will strengthen the Commonwealth’s abilities to prevent and mitigate all kinds of emergencies, including terror threats as well as natural and man-made disasters. It is critical that we pursue resources that will help ensure Virginia’s first responders remain adequately trained, equipped, and prepared.”

Virginia will receive $7.4 million under the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), which is part of FEMA’s broader Homeland Security Grant Program that supports preparedness activities in states and urban areas.  SHSP provides funding to support the implementation of state homeland security strategies to address identified planning, organization, equipment, training and exercise needs to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events.

Virginia will also receive $8.04 million as part of FEMA’s Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program.  EMPG provides funding to assist state, local, tribal and territorial governments in obtaining the resources and the necessary direction, guidance, and coordination to create a comprehensive emergency preparedness system for all hazards.

More information on DHS’s FEMA preparedness grants is available here