Press Releases

Senators Webb and Warner today commended President Obama’s nomination of Robert “Bobby” Mathieson to serve as United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Virginia. Recommended by Senators Webb and Warner last May, Mathieson would bring over three decades of local and state law enforcement experience to the federal post.

“I’m pleased that President Obama has nominated Bobby Mathieson to serve as United States Marshal. Senator Warner and I jointly recommended Bobby based on his exceptional qualifications and comprehensive law enforcement experience in the Commonwealth,” said Senator Webb. “A dedicated public servant, Bobby Mathieson is widely respected in the Virginia’s law enforcement community and I’m confident that as Marshal, he will bring a highly needed level of professionalism and expertise to this difficult and demanding job.”

“After more than a quarter-century as a police officer, Bobby served in key public safety roles at the state level when I had the honor of serving as Governor, and then was elected to represent Virginia Beach in the Virginia House of Delegates,” Senator Warner said. “His service as a front-line police officer, as an effective manager and motivator, and then as an elected official allows him to apply a strong set of skills and professional experience to the Marshals Service.”

Robert “Bobby” Mathieson began his law enforcement career with the Virginia Beach Police Department in 1975. He retired in 2002 as a Master Police Officer to take a leadership position with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. In 2008, he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. He currently serves as Director of Business Development for Virginia Beach-based Rileen Innovative Technologies.