Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and John Cornyn (R-TX), United States Senate India Caucus Co-Chairs, today issued the following joint statement strongly condemning yesterday’s attacks in Mumbai, India:

“We strongly condemn the recent atrocity in Mumbai that deliberately targeted innocent and peaceful civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. On behalf of the 38-member U.S. Senate India Caucus, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Indian people and their government as they recover from this senseless act.”

“These attacks highlight the growing importance of United States cooperation with India on security issues, particularly counterterrorism and homeland security, but also point to the need to continue our close collaboration on common interests. Our democratic systems are resilient, the enduring friendship between the people of India and the United States is strong, and this important relationship must continue to grow.”

Senators Warner and Cornyn are the co-chairs of the Senate India Caucus for the 112th Congress. A bipartisan group created in 2004, the Caucus serves as a forum to discuss bilateral issues, strengthen U.S.-India commercial ties, and advocate on behalf of the India-American community.