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We hosted our first Virginia Young Professionals Summit in Richmond this weekend.

More than 225 up-and-coming young leaders attended the summit, which was focused on building networks and community involvement among young people.  Sixty attendees volunteered to take part in organized community service opportunities on Saturday morning, before the summit got underway. 



Senator Warner stopped by to help out and thank volunteers at the Central Virginia Food Bank (first image) and McGuire VA Hospital.

"My hope is that this could be the beginnings of a new statewide group of folks that will carry the ball the next time there is a challenge," Senator Warner told Bill Bartel of the Virginian Pilot.  "I always felt that one of the things that made Virginia unique was the enormous pride in being a Virginian - whether born or adopted.... People were willing to kind of support things that were Virginia first," the Senator said.

The summit featured a keynote speech by Nigel Morris, an entrepreneur and  co-founder of Capital One. Breakout sessions covered topics  from professional development to financial literacy, and the summit wrapped-up with a presentation by White House Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra.   


Senator Warner with keynote speaker Nigel Morris, right.