In the News
On the Road: Roanoke
Oct 13 2012
Senator Warner stopped by the Virginia Economic Developers Association fall conference yesterday afternoon in Roanoke to deliver a keynote speech on deficit reduction and job creation. He thanked the economic developers for their hard work for the Commonwealth, and remarked that when he was Governor, he felt that his job was "economic developer in chief."
Senator Warner also discussed the importance of getting businesses and individuals, not just members of Congress, involved in pushing for deficit reduction.
"You need to call on us in Congress to get a deal done on the deficit," he said. "Nothing would do more to add confidence to our economy and be a better job creation plan than fixing the debt."
After speaking to the conference, Senator Warner caught up with WSLS's Aaron Martin about looming mandatory defense cuts. The Senator said he still believes Congress will act before the cuts go into effect.
"I'm about 80 percent confident that we will avoid sequestration," Senator Warner said. "I just can't believe that there are so many members of both parties that would say my way or the highway and put our economy and people's jobs at risk."