In the News
Extending broadband access in Virginia
Jun 01 2012
Senator Warner recently hosted a strategy session in Fredericksburg to help Virginia localities learn about various funding opportunities and ideas for high-speed broadband deployment.
The session included two panels: a discussion with the USDA Rural Utility Service and the Federal Communications Commission about current funding opportunities and ongoing policy changes at the federal level, as well as a conversation with various broadband providers about successful broadband deployment partnerships.
Senator Warner dropped by to speak at the event between panels. He emphasized the importance of broadband, even in this time of tight federal, state and local budgets.
“I really do think broadband is not going to guarantee your communities’ economic success, but the absence of broadband is pretty much going to mean you’re not going to be on the map,” the Senator said.
Below are recordings of the two sessions, as well as copies of the presentations from RUS and the FCC.