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Senator Warner joined Virginia radio host John Fredericks this morning for a wide-ranging discussion covering issues from sequestration and its impact on Virginia to immigration and regulatory reform.

Sen. Warner began by discussing the sequestration cuts that started to take effect on March 1.  He emphasized his continued hope that reason would ultimately bring both sides back to the table to consider a broad, bipartisan package of smarter spending cuts, reasonable entitlement reforms and responsible revenue increases.   

Asked about recent legislation he had introduced to reduce the number of outdated and ineffective regulations, Sen. Warner explained his commitment to measuring and improving government efficiency. 

“I think it’s a good idea because there is nothing in terms of administrative agencies that ever gives them any incentive to get rid of regulations,” he told Fredericks.  “You don’t want to completely get rid of all health and safety or environmental regulations… But it’s a good thing to try [to improve them.]”

The interview ended on the topic of immigration reform.  Sen. Warner voiced his support for comprehensive changes to the current, outdated system.

“I think our current immigration system is broken,” said Sen. Warner. “I think we need a complete overhaul. I do think there ought to be a way for the undocumented to earn a path to citizenship.”

In one regard, Sen. Warner has been at the forefront of immigration reform.  His bipartisan Startup Act 3.0 aims to expand opportunities for high-skilled immigrants to work and start businesses here in America.

“I’ve been working on the high-tech piece that says ‘OK, we need more American grown scientists and engineers,” he noted, “but until that time, if an immigrant receives a Ph.D in engineering, let’s give them a path to staying here in this country.  That will help create jobs in America.”  
