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Score one for Mark Warner. The House of Representatives has passed his Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), a bill to increase citizens’ ability to track how the federal government spends their money.

A unanimous Senate passed DATA previously. The legislation has gone to President Obama for his signature. A press release from Warner’s office explains the bill:

“This legislation would require federal agencies to account for every dollar they spend on a single website, in an easy-to-read format. Currently, federal spending data (are) not always readily available, and if (they are), (they) may be in a form that is not very useful.”

The single website described by Warner would invite sunshine. Supporters of open government should applaud the bill, which passed soon after Sunshine Week. The tea party in particular should praise Warner.

The Virginia delegation is proving it can get things done. In March the Senate passed the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act that increased federal spending on research into childhood diseases. The bill carried the name of a Virginia girl who battled an inoperable brain tumor. The legislation commemorated her memory.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-7 th) championed her cause. Sens. Warner and Tim Kaine rallied the Senate on her behalf.

The DATA and Gabriella Miller bills show Congress at its best.