Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement upon the death of Mame Reiley:

“Mame Reiley was a force of nature. She could be your strongest ally and your most demanding critic at the same time. Most of us knew Mame through politics, but her closest friends knew that her family, her faith and her church were very important parts of her life.

“Mame loved the rough and tumble of politics. She was a passionate advocate for her candidates and causes, and was enormously respected even by her opponents.  As someone who built a successful career planning top-level events, there's absolutely no one who could throw a party like Mame Reiley.

“Mame was well loved, and she will be missed by her family and many friends, of which I'm proud to have been one."