Press Releases

Warner on Clean Power Plan

New Administration standards would reduce power-plant carbon emissions

Aug 03 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement on the Administration’s final Clean Power Plan:

“Today marks a major step forward in efforts to combat the effects of global climate change.  

“Upon initial review, it appears that several of our concerns about the potential impacts on Virginia that were in the draft rule have been addressed in these final rules. This is a complex and ambitious plan which deserves thorough study, given Virginia’s economic diversity and variety of energy sources, and I look forward to hearing views from stakeholders across the Commonwealth regarding the steps the Administration put forward today.

“It is appropriate that the U.S. is leading in efforts to address carbon pollution, and I am hopeful that we will be able to work with our international partners to agree to global reductions in carbon emissions later this year.”