Press Releases

WASHINGTON – The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today voted 13-2 to advance to the full Senate the nomination of former Senator Dan Coats to become the Director of National Intelligence.  Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) both made statements after the conclusion of the vote.   

“I’m pleased the Committee was able to report out our former colleague Dan Coats and I look forward to supporting his nomination on the Senate floor,” said Chairman Burr. “I am confident Dan will be an excellent Director of National Intelligence and know that he will draw on his deep knowledge of intelligence issues to help the Intelligence Community address the wide range of challenges to our national security.”

“I’ve known Senator Coats a long time, and as a former Committee colleague he has respect and appreciation for the oversight system,” said Vice Chairman Warner. “I’m pleased that his nomination to lead our nation’s intelligence agencies was overwhelmingly voted out of Committee today. If confirmed as Director of National Intelligence, Sen. Coats has provided strong assurances of cooperation with this Committee as we conduct a bipartisan investigation into Russian activities in the 2016 election.”  
