Press Releases

Sen. Warner on House Passage of Republican Health Bill

On Trumpcare passing the House of Representatives

May 04 2017

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Finance and Budget Committees, released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“Instead of working with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act, today Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to take away healthcare coverage from millions of Americans. This bill would raise costs for seniors, hang 3.4 million Virginians with preexisting conditions out to dry, and shift hundreds of millions of dollars in costs for Medicaid services to states, impacting care for pregnant women, seniors and the disabled.

“This was a bad bill a month ago, and it’s a worse bill now. I will fight tooth and nail to keep it from passing the Senate.” 
