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Warner, Corker Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Maximize Taxpayer Returns of TARP Investments

~ Bill creates private market trust for TARP investments, sets end-date for gov’t ownership ~

Jun 22 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA) spoke on the Senate floor today about bipartisan legislation he has introduced with Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) that will maximize returns of taxpayer investments into TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) assisted institutions. The bill provides for a responsible exit strategy from government ownership of TARP-recipient companies, such as AIG, Citigroup, and General Motors.
Senator Warner spoke on both Bloomberg TV and MSNBC's Morning Joe today about his idea to empower an independent council, rather than giving the additional responsibility to the Federal Reserve, to regulate systemic risk -- "the kind of thing that we couldn't necessarily predict," he said, such as the mess at AIG that played such a major role in the financial industry's near-collapse last fall.
Senator Warner appeared on Bloomberg Television on June 4, to discuss how before the government begins accepting repayments from financial institutions that have received TARP funds, Senator Warner said that he want to make sure the taxpayers, who are in effect investors in these companies, receive the best deal for their dollar.
During today's Senate Banking Committee hearing, Senator Warner said he is "very troubled" with the government's open-ended involvement with AIG and questioned Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner about his apparent lack of flexibility in reducing payments to the AIG "counterparties" -- those AIG investors who will get 100 percent of their money back.

Too big to fail?

May 06 2009

During this morning’s Banking Committee hearing on how to regulate banks and other financial institutions considered “too big to fail,” Senator Warner asked Shelia Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Commission, about the results of the bank “stress tests,” the results of which will be released tomorrow.
Senator Warner visited with Tommy & Rumble on Norfolk’s FM99/WNOR this morning, and their fun and wide-ranging conversation touched on President Obama’s first 100 days, Senator Arlen Specter’s switch from Republican-to-Democrat, and the bipartisan TARP Transparency Act introduced by Senator Warner earlier this week.