In the News
Statement on Dodd proposal
Mar 15 2010
Senator Warner released the following statement today after Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd released draft legislation on financial regulation.
Common ground on regulatory reform
Feb 25 2010
Senator Mark Warner joined Senator Bob Corker on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to discuss their bipartisan efforts on the financial regulatory reform legislation in the Senate Banking Committee.
Jobs and regulatory reform
Feb 11 2010
Senator Warner made two appearances on the financial news channels today to promote his jobs proposal and discuss progress being made the reform the nation's financial regulatory system.
Dancing Across the Aisle
The Senate odd couple who just might pull off a bipartisan deal on financial regulation
Jan 21 2010
Bloomberg's BusinessWeek profiles the unique bipartisan partnership between Senator Warner and Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker, who have teamed up to craft legislation on financial regulatory reform.
Announcing a jobs proposal in Danville
Jan 12 2010
After visiting Martinsville, Senator Warner traveled to Danville yesterday to announce a job-creation proposal that he will introduce in Congresss in the coming weeks.
A visit to Martinsville
Jan 11 2010
Senator Warner traveled to Southside Virginia today to meet with over 50 community and business leaders from Martinsville and Henry County. The community has been one of the hardest hit during the economic downturn -- and this former self-described "Sweatshirt Capital of the World" has been struggling for years with the economic challenges caused by the decline in U.S.-based textile manufacturing.
In favor of Ben Bernanke
Dec 17 2009
Senator Warner voted today in favor of sending Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's renomination to the full Senate for consideration.
Senator Warner was in Richmond today to check-in with small business owners who are facing the challenges of the tough economy head-on.
During a small business conference hosted by the Treasury Department and the U.S. Small Business Administration today, Senator Warner urged the administration, Congress, and banks to work quickly to boost lending to small businesses still facing very challenging credit conditions.
Framework for financial reform
Nov 10 2009
Senator Warner joined his colleagues on the Senate Banking Committee today to discuss Chairman Chris Dodd's proposed financial reform legislation, which includes several of Senator Warner's reform ideas, including the creation of a systemic risk council and a single federal banking regulator.