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Even as the so-called supercommittee's deficit-reduction efforts appeared to languish this week with a Thanksgiving eve deadline looming, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner, D-Va., was leading a bipartisan coalition of 145 legislators calling on the panel to "go big." "Failure can't be an option. The whole rest of the world is watching," Warner said at the Capitol Hill news conference Wednesday surrounded by dozens of colleagues.
A bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers today urged the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction to ignore pressure from their political wings and craft a massive deal to cut the nation’s deficit that includes both changes to entitlements and new taxes. Although talks have stalled in recent days, dozens of Members gathered in the Capitol to give the panel moral support and urge them to aim their sights high.
Warner, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, has argued for a comprehensive approach to tackling the country’s deficit and debt problem and said the compromise passed today is not a long-term solution. The former Virginia governor is a key member of the Senate’s bipartisan “Gang of Six” that produced a framework for cutting the deficit by $3.7 trillion over 10 years through spending cuts, entitlement reforms and tax reforms.
Senator Warner spoke to Fox News today about the debt ceiling deal and the continuing need for a longer-term deficit reduction package. As founder of the Gang of Six, Senator Warner helped develop a package that would cut $3.7 trillion from the deficit. “I think this plan is much too small. We need to be closer to $4 trillion in debt reduction," Senator Warner said.
Senator Warner will support the debt deal compromise legislation but he says it doesn’t do enough to tackle long-term spending and revenue. Warner, a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Six” group that offered its own $3.7 trillion deficit-cutting plan, says the deal “doesn’t get us to the core problem of how we tackle tax reform and entitlement reform.”