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As a former tech entrepreneur and a co-founder of Nextel, people often assume I know everything there is to know about spectrum. The fact is, I don’t. But what I do know is that esoteric debates about the government’s spectrum policy have a profound effect on innovation.
Senator Warner has launched a contest to pick a cover photo of Virginia for his Facebook page by asking for submissions from his more than 16,500 followers. Facebook, the popular social media tool, will be transitioning all pages to their new Timeline format on Friday, March 30. As part of the new format, all pages must include a large “cover photo.”
Sen. Mark R. Warner said Friday that the Charlottesville region would be one of the biggest beneficiaries in the state if his legislative efforts to boost startup companies are successful. “Charlottesville is going to gain more from this kind of legislative activity than almost anywhere in Virginia,” Warner said in an interview.
Charlottesville's Mikro, Inc. is a great company most people probably have never heard of: its advanced manufacturing processes allow it to produce cutting-edge, clean energy wind turbines and sophisticated medical instruments. And when foreign investors recently suggested moving the operation offshore, Mikro executives insisted on keeping the facility in Central Virginia.

Wall Street Journal: A Bipartisan Plan for Job Creation


Feb 07 2012

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama called on Congress to pass an agenda that helps start-ups and small businesses succeed. We have already introduced a plan that shares his goals. It's called the Startup Act. Research conducted by the Kauffman Foundation and others has consistently shown that companies less than five years old accounted for nearly all net job creation in our economy over the past three decades.