Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) introduced legislation to allow for the construction of a new Long Bridge across the Potomac River – a move that would double the capacity of the rail crossing between Virginia and the District of Columbia (D.C). The Long Bridge Act of 2020would authorize the National Park Service (NPS) to transfer to Virginia and D.C. the land needed for the construction of the new commuter rail and pedestrian bridge adjacent to the existing bridge. 

“Adequate rail infrastructure is an essential aspect of our Commonwealth’s economy. It helps ensure fast and convenient transportation for passengers and commuters and facilitates commerce by providing a reliable way to move and ship goods,” said Sens. Warner and Kaine. “This legislation will allow NPS to transfer the needed land to Virginia so that it can build the new Long Bridge and double the amount of rail capacity in this important passageway.”  

“The legislation introduced by Senators Warner and Kaine is a significant milestone in transforming passenger and freight rail service along the East Coast,” said Virginia Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine. “The construction of the Long Bridge is a project of national significance – unlocking the gridlock across the Potomac, expanding rail capacity, creating essential rail redundancy, and supporting economic recovery and growth.”

The existing Long Bridge is one of the most significant choke points along the East Coast. It’s the only rail bridge connecting Virginia to D.C. and serves as the main rail connection between the Southeast and the Northeast for passenger and freight rail, carrying almost 80 CSX, Amtrak and VRE commuter trains per day.  

The construction of the new Long Bridge is at the center of an investment by the Commonwealth of Virginia, which recently reached a landmark $3.7 billion rail agreement with CSX, which includes acquisition of 350 miles of rail and 225 miles of track, and allows Virginia to double VRE and state-supported Amtrak service. Under current law, NPS does not have the legal authority to convey the needed land to Virginia and D.C. without an act of Congress.

This legislation would authorize the Secretary of the Interior to transfer approximately 4 acres of land to Virginia and the D.C. for the construction of rail and other infrastructure relating to the Long Bridge Project. 

U.S. Reps. Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Don Beyer (D-VA) have introduced similar legislation in the House of Representatives to facilitate the construction of the new Long Bridge.

The text of this legislation is available here
