Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s decision to step aside as the Democratic nominee for President:

“This nation owes Joe Biden a debt of gratitude for putting everything on hold to run in 2020 and taking the reins as President during a particularly turbulent time. He charted a bright path forward for our nation after four tumultuous years under the former administration.  

“President Biden has made historic contributions to our nation. His love of country and loyalty to the American people has been unwavering. He will undoubtedly go down in the history books as a true American patriot.

“After all he’s done, I respect President Biden’s difficult decision to step aside in this upcoming election, and I look forward to hearing more from him later this week. 

“While there has to be an orderly process and the decision ultimately rests in the hands of the DNC delegates, I believe Vice President Harris has the experience, energy, and resolve to lead our nation. 

“This November, we must defeat Donald Trump and his backwards agenda.”
