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Senator Warner appeared on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio’s POTUS channel this morning and said a growing number of his Senate colleagues from both parties want the debt supercommittee to be bold and “go big.”

The Senator, who helped form the bipartisan Gang of Six earlier this year, told host Tim Farley that every credible examination of America’s long-term fiscal challenges ends up reaching the same conclusions: tax and entitlement reforms must be part of the mix, and the total package should exceed the supercommittee’s mandate to find $1.5 trillion in savings over the next ten years.

“There are forces in both parties who would rather delay these choices until after the election, but every day that we delay we add $4 billion to the debt,” Senator Warner said. “We know this is tough. But we’ve got 43, 44 senators now from both parties who are saying, ‘We’ve got your back’ if you want to go big and be bold.”