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Beginning today, nearly 91,500 Virginia seniors will begin receiving $250 checks to help with their prescription drug costs.

Seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D whose prescription drug costs in 2010 will total more than $2,830 but less than $6,440 are eligible to receive the rebates — a result of the new health care law.

The rebate checks address the so-called “donut hole” -- the gap in coverage that requires certain seniors to pay 100 percent for their prescription medication.

Starting next year, these same Medicare beneficiaries will receive a 50 percent discount on brand-name drugs and biologics purchased when they are in the coverage gap. The coverage in the gap will increase until 2020, when the “donut hole” will be completely filled in.

The $250 rebate check is tax-free and seniors do not need to do anything to receive it; Medicare will automatically mail a check when the beneficiary reaches the “donut hole.” Seniors should expect their check in the mail within 45 days or less of hitting the coverage gap.