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A visit to Home Depot

Dec 15 2009

Senator Warner joined President Obama at a Home Depot in Alexandria, Va., today to highlight the importance of providing incentives to consumers who weatherize their homes.

Congress is considering a new program to provide incentives for consumers who retrofit their homes to become more energy-efficient -- creating new jobs, helping families save money on energy bills and conserving energy. The Recovery Act invests nearly $8 billion to support energy saving investments in homes, including installing insulation, sealing leaks and modernizing heating and air conditioning equipment, which will pay for itself many times over.

At Home Depot, Senator Warner met with employees -- and even put on the distinctive bright orange Home Depot apron -- before hearing ideas from members of the labor, manufacturing, and small business communities.

The Associated Press snapped this picture of Senator Warner holding up his apron:

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., right, holds up a Home Depot apron during an event with President Barack Obama at a Home Depot in Alexandria, Va., Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., right, holds up a Home Depot apron during an event with President Barack Obama at a Home Depot in Alexandria, Va., Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)