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Senator Mark Warner had the opportunity today to sit down and speak with James Madison University - Washington Semester students in his DC office. 

JMU in Washington Students

While running from a committee hearing to voting on the Senate floor, the Senator reminded students that Congress is at the heart of what many of them are studying—mostly political science, international affairs, or public administration. He commended them for seeking “real world” experience in order to make an impact on public policy. 

“You know, I have spent more time outside of Washington politics than I have in it, and I can tell you sometimes its hard to find common sense around here," said Senator Warner. “This is a great place to learn about the consequences of decisions and the potential impact of compromise.” 

After hearing Senator Warner’s budget plan that calls for bipartisan compromise, one student asked, “It seems so simple. Why can’t it get done?” The Senator wholeheartedly agreed and said he hoped the JMU students could learn from both the successes and failures of Congress.