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On today’s Morning Edition, Senators Warner and Chambliss (R-Ga.) sat down with NPR’s Steve Inskeep to talk about their work on deficit reduction and tax reform. 

In June 2010, the Senators began hosting bipartisan meetings to educate themselves and other members of Congress about these issues. They continue to work with a bipartisan group of colleagues on a bill based on the recommendations of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform 

“The math here is just irrefutable,” Senator Warner told NPR.

“We’re $14 trillion in debt and it’s rising every single day,” Senator Chambliss said. “So either we policymakers fix it now while we’ve got the opportunity to do so, or the people that buy our bonds, i.e. the Chinese, dictate to us how we solve it.”

You can read more on the Senators’ work here