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Talking Trade with HP

May 23 2011

This morning Senator Warner traveled to Herndon to discuss trade opportunities with ambassador Demetrios Marantis, Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, and more than 250 employees at Hewlett Packard.


From left to right: Ambassador Demetrios Marantis, Senator Warner and HP Senior Vice President Dennis Stolkey

The Senator talked about the need to pass the pending trade agreements with Korea, Panama, and Colombia, and the growing importance of exports, as well as deficit reduction and tax reform.


"We can cut spending and reform the tax code, but we're not going to get ourselves out of this hole unless we grow," Senator Warner said. "And that's why trade is so important: 95 percent of the world's consumers live outside of the United States.

He and Ambassador Marantis took questions on trade with china and india, and discussed strategies to help keep america competitive in the global marketplace.

More than 250 employees attended the presentation, and another 160+ listened in via webcast.