In the News
Warner says knowing so many jobs will be maintained could spur other economic growth. "This shows some of the uncertainty we saw with sequestration hopefully will be in the rear-view mirror," Warner said.
Senator Mark Warner was in Hampton Roads Thursday for a meeting at Naval Station Norfolk and stopped by the WAVY Newsroom to talk about some hot button issues — your money and security at military installations.
The Pentagon said Monday it would shrink the U.S. Army to pre-World War Two levels, eliminate the popular A-10 aircraft and reduce military benefits in order to meet 2015 spending caps. Sen. Mark R. Warner also said he was pleased at the current commitment to an 11-carrier fleet.
Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., visited NASA's Langley Research Center Monday to get a progress update on NASA's Advanced Composites Project (ACP) and a first-hand look at some of the advanced composites work taking place in the Structures and Materials Lab.
Sen. Warner: Hampton Roads could be Silicon Valley of composites (Newport News Daily Press)
Feb 11 2014
"If we think about 30 years ago, Silicon Valley in northern California kind of carved out their brand — they were the information technology capital of the world," Warner said. "Composites has the potential in all its applications to be a huge industry. We'd like to make Hampton Roads the Silicon Valley of composites."
Senator Mark Warner organized a roundtable in Hampton Roads this past Friday where he discussed the future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and the possible economic benefits for manufacturing in the Hampton Roads.Senator Warner also held a town hall meeting with Williamsburg community leaders.
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner was fired up. After a four-year crusade for tax and spending reforms to rein in a dangerously high national debt, he was finally getting a seat at the table.
W&M Puller Clinic Students Visit Sen. Warner
Sep 25 2013
Today, Senator Mark Warner welcomed students from The William & Mary Law School Puller Law Clinic to his senate office.
Fiscal Folly
Sep 19 2013
Senator Warner delivered an impassioned plea for fiscal responsibility yesterday at a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the economic costs of debt-ceiling brinkmanship.
Yancey Strickler shared the lessons he learned as a co-founder of Kickstarter with 350 young professionals who gathered as part of Sen. Warner's YP Summit.