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U.S. Sen. Mark Warner today delivered perhaps the first significant speech of any Washington, D.C. policymaker on the potential impact of generational and technological changes on the American economy.
On March 12, with a month left to go in tax season, Senator Warner attended a Senate Finance Committee hearing where he discussed an issue that he has previously called on the IRS to address: tax refund fraud.
CNBC: Momentum for housing-finance reform
Apr 23 2014
"Further, failure to address the future of the secondary mortgage market will have far reaching implications to the overall economy. So don't allow yourself to be fooled. Housing finance reform is needed, and the current efforts in the Senate are headed in the right direction."
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is pleased to announce that Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) will receive the Council’s 2014 Legislator of the Year award.
Sen. Warner was named chairman of the Senate Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth following a markup to renew expired tax breaks and credits.
Sen. Mark Warner and a bipartisan group of lawmakers in Washington introduced legislation last week to exempt volunteer first responders, including fire-and-rescue volunteers in Pittsylvania County, from the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance mandate.
Before Things Get Too Crazy
Dec 06 2013
Before the December holiday season gets into full swing, and as Congress returns for its last work period of the year, I wanted to provide you with a quick update on our recent efforts to strengthen Virginia’s economic recovery and improve Washington’s fiscal accountability to taxpayers.
Editorial: Un momento decisivo (Univision)
Nov 13 2013
El cierre de gobierno en octubre fue una acción innecesaria que dañó a nuestra economía. Estiman que los 16 días del cierre de gobierno costó a la economía por lo menos $24 mil millones. No solamente afectó a los trabajadores del gobierno federal sino también a los pequeños negocios, comunidades y familias de nuestra nación. Por esa razón, este miércoles y en las próximas semanas participaré en un comité de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado, con representantes de cada partido, para desarrollar un presupuesto de largo plazo.
After years of prodding fellow senators to adopt spending and debt reforms - through personal pleas and unofficial efforts like the "Gang of Six"- U.S. Sen. Mark Warner is joining the inner circle.
Senator Warner on Path Forward
Oct 18 2013
After Congress voted Wednesday to reopen the government and avert a credit default, Senator Mark Warner took a few minutes to talk about the negotiations he will take part in as a member of the House-Senate budget conference committee.