
It’s not easy limiting a politician to answers of 140 characters or less, so we had a lot of fun today helping Senator Warner conduct his first Twitter Town Hall

As the co-founder of Nextel and a former venture capitalist, the Senator appreciates the role of new technology and he’s a big fan of social media. Senator Warner previously has conducted a video town hall, and he actively engages with constituents through Twitter, Facebook, and  Google+.

That’s in addition to the 1 million more traditional constituent contacts we handle every year by phone and mail. 

Over the last 24 hours, tweeps submitted their questions using the hashtag #AskWarner, and at 12:15pm, Senator Warner sat down at our Communication Director Kevin Hall's desk and answered questions about ways to create jobs and strengthen the economy.  

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Here are some of the answers the Senator gave:

@FiscallySoundUS: what can American people do to help Congress make tough budget decisions?#AskWarner

@MarkWarner: @FiscallySoundUS Keep pressure on ALL of us. If we don't get this fixed you shouold fire ALL of us - myself included. #AskWarner

@kevinonell: Is legislation to bring back manufacturing jobs the right solution? #askWarner

@MarkWarner: @kevinonell US needs strongs mfrg sector. Generally support POTUS ideas but need overall tax reform that will simplify. #AskWarner

At times, the Senator couldn’t limit himself to 140 characters. 

@jmbadlam: @MarkWarner What will you do to help provide better data for investors, VCs, and financial inst. to invest in startups, small biz #AskWarner

@MarkWarner: @jmbadlam Support crowd sourcing, easier reg on-ramp for small IPOs, better tax treatment for startups and rational immig policy. #AskWarner

@MarkWarner: @jmbadlam Our #StartUpAct also inc green card for STEM grads & moves univ R&D from lab to mkt. Bipartisan, does all this & more. #AskWarner

The Senator really enjoyed his first Twitter town hall and is excited about getting more of them on the schedule in the future: