
Senator Warner released the following statement prior to the November 21 vote to bring the Senate health care bill to the floor: 

“I will vote to move this legislation onto the Senate floor because I want an opportunity to work to strengthen and improve the bill. If we do not move forward on health insurance reform, premiums for Virginia families will continue to rise, employers will remain at a competitive disadvantage in the global marketplace, and federal budget deficits will go from bad to worse.

“Thus far, only those senators on the Health and Finance committees have had an opportunity to shape this legislation. Advancing the bill to the Senate floor provides an opportunity for the rest of us in the Senate to have a constructive role in making this legislation better.

“For weeks now, I have been working with several of my colleagues on a series of potential floor amendments that we believe will further reduce the cost of health care, strengthening transparency and encouraging innovation to cut costs across the health care delivery system.

“Tonight's vote to move forward with debate on the bill is a starting point, and it allows us to continue working to include these amendments in the final legislation. I will only support a final bill if I am convinced it will lower the deficit, drive down health care costs over the long term, and improve the value and quality of the health care Virginians receive.”

For more information on the Senate health care bill, click here. To learn more about Senator Warner's work on health care reform, click here.