
In addition to inserting language that may help save the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Senator Warner was also successful in amending the Senate's defense authorization bill to include a provision that could boost Hampton Roads’ modeling and simulation industry.

The legislation will require the Department of Defense and U.S. Joint Forces Command to report to Congress on how they will increase efforts to improve modeling and simulation activities.

There is a significant cluster of modeling and simulation activities in the Suffolk area, led by the military and ODU. The legislation specifically directs the Department of Defense to examine how it can better use existing public-private partnerships that link academia, industry and government, such as ODU’s Virginia Modeling and Simulation Center.

Here’s what Senator Warner said about the legislation:

“The tremendous amount of talent in Hampton Roads has already made Virginia a leader in modeling and simulation activities. With this legislation, I hope the Department of Defense takes advantage of the innovation and technology coming out of the modeling and simulation efforts in Hampton Roads and across the country in order to strengthen our nation’s preparedness and defense.”

Senator Warner has been a strong supporter of the modeling and simulation efforts in Hampton Roads. As governor, he successfully secured funding to help grow those efforts and make the region a leader in modeling and simulation. As a senator, he also has formed a task force of leaders in modeling and simulation from the Hampton Roads region.