
Yesterday afternoon, Senator Warner, U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) announced the launch of the National Foundation on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition and honored its initial board of directors. The Foundation, established through legislation written by Sen. Warner, allows for corporate and individual contributions to help support the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, and was signed into law by the President last December.

Senator Warner and Secretary Sebelius chat before the launch.

The event was attended by NBA star (and Virginian!) Grant Hill, as well as Tom McMillen, new Chairperson of the NFFSN Board and former NBA star.

NBA star Grant Hill, center front row, attended.

“We know that one-on-six American children is considered obese, one-in-three kids is overweight, and the only federal agency with a mandate to promote a fitness and health agenda is operating on a total annual budget of just over $1 million,” Senator Warner said. “This legislation gives the President’s Council a much-needed boost by creating a non-profit foundation that can raise private funds to support and expand the activities of council.”

Senator Warner spoke at the launch.

The Foundation will support the mission of the Council by encouraging funding and other resource contributions to support the important work of the Council. The Foundation board of directors includes prominent professionals with diverse backgrounds in fitness, sports, nutrition, philanthropy, business, technology and health.

“Nearly 55 years ago, President Eisenhower created the President’s Council on Youth Fitness, and viewed it as a ‘catalytic agent’ in promoting the importance of fitness,” Secretary Sebelius said. “Now, on this day, we have a similar mission being created, and this legacy will be constructed through the innovation of philanthropic support to enhance the Council’s vision of all Americans leading healthy and active lives.”