
Senator Warner released the following statement today after executives at Stanley Furniture announced that the company will lay-off 530 employees from its Henry County manufacturing facility by the end of the year.

"Stanley Furniture has been a leading corporate citizen in Southside for more than a generation, and this is devastating news for more than 500 families in Southside Virginia.

We will work with company officials and leaders in Henry County, the Governor's office and other members of the congressional delegation to fight for federal Trade Adjustment Assistance for these workers. The TAA can provide much-needed federal help in retraining, reemployment and relocation assistance for workers who lose their jobs due to global trade pressures, and Stanley officials have indicated that certainly is the situation in Henry County.

Company executives today appropriately highlighted the craftsmanship and pride demonstrated by this great group of Stanley employees, and we will do all we can to help these families while we continue to work together to strengthen and diversify Southside's economy."

On Thursday, he spoke with local television reporters about the announcement, and efforts he is making at the federal level: