
Simon Lundquist, Virginia’s winner of the Intellectual Property Owners Association Education Foundation’s video contest, excitedly explained to Senator Warner the importance of the patent system to promote innovation.

Simon, a student from Falls Church and his trusty canine sidekick, Sparky, starred in the winning video. In the video, Simon’s innovative tele porter, time machine, and cloning device ideas were stolen! Determined to get the credit for his latest invention – a 3-D printer –Simon decided to call a patent lawyer.

Not only is Simon an advocate for protecting intellectual property, but he hopes to study engineering so he can become an inventor himself.  He told Senator Warner that the $5,000 award for his patent video would mainly go towards college savings.

Senator Warner congratulated Simon on his accomplishments thus far and encouraged him to pursue engineering.

“The patent system is vital to promote progress and innovation. But it is also vital that we also need more young folks like yourself who want to study engineering to keep coming up with innovative ideas,” Senator Warner said. “I look forward to seeing what helpful device you invent down the road!”

Simon’s winning video below starts at 1:43.