
Senator Warner spoke to Virginia media last night about the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations in Congress.

"We're really at a critical time. I can't think of a time in my business or political career when I think there has been more at stake," the Senator told Chelyen David of the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star.

"For people who say, 'we just need to put the country through a rough spot, it needs to get worse before it can get better,' that is some of the most cynical, awful sentiment I've seen in politics,” Senator Warner said to Ray Reed of the Lynchburg News & Advance

The Senator also spoke to Ryan Nobles of NBC12 in Richmond about the importance of tackling the deficit, as well as extending the debt limit. “Whether it’s the Senate plan or the House plan, neither one of them gets at the $4 trillion [in deficits] we need to,” he said. “Everything has got to be under the microscope.”