
Senator Warner sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski yesterday asking the FCC to collaborate with Internet service providers and content providers to maintain reasonable consumer access to high-value Internet content.

Senator Warner, who is a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, has been calling for a negotiated solution that allows for open access to the Internet for consumers along with reasonable network management rules for Internet service providers concerned about increasing demands for bandwidth.

He wrote in the letter:

“Deploying broadband infrastructure to every corner of our country is a formidable challenge that requires a concerted federal effort. It will have profound implications for the social and economic future of our nation.”

As the co-founder of a major wireless telecommunications company, Senator Warner understands the importance of creating an environment that gives businesses an incentive to increase broadband deployment while also providing a return on capital. He also understands the importance of broadband access to open up opportunities for technological innovation.

Here is a copy of the letter: