
Rebooting America

Nov 09 2012

Senator Warner spoke today at Reboot America, a summit focused on how startups, corporations, and policymakers can collaborate on private sector solutions to public sector challenges and help to create jobs in the fields of energy, education, health care, national security, and more.

Today’s summit was hosted by Startup America, an organization chaired by former AOL CEO and prominent businessman (and Virginian) Steve Case that focuses on supporting a national network of startup communities. Reboot America featured speakers from business, technology, and politics, including former Virginia Congressman Tom Davis, and former U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra.

Over the course of a 30 minute “fireside chat” with Startup DC chairman Evan Burfield, Senator Warner addressed the different ways in which innovative public policy can help to boost startup businesses.  These include entrepreneur-friendly legislation like Startup 2.0 and the JOBS Act. The JOBS Act focuses on increasing entrepreneurs’ access to capital, including by creating a legal framework for crowdfunding, which Senator Warner says “has the potential to democratize the process of raising capital.” Startup 2.0 would focus on keeping high-skilled immigrant workers in the U.S. while offering tax incentives for research and development.  

Senator Warner sees events like the Reboot America Summit as part of a broader discussion over how public and private sectors can work together to create an economic environment encouraging to entrepreneurs looking to start new businesses.

For more information on Startup 2.0, please click here.