
After visiting Martinsville, Senator Warner traveled to Danville yesterday to announce a job-creation proposal that he will introduce in Congresss in the coming weeks.

He made the announcement at the Essel Propack manufacturing facility -- an India-based manufacturing company he helped to bring to the region when he served as Virginia's governor. Since coming to Danville in 2002, Essel Propack has create more than 200 jobs and invested close to $100 million in Southside.

His proposal aims to replicate that success across America. It will create an additional tool for states to use as an incentive to attract IT and manufacturing jobs back to this country.

Coupled with his proposal to boost small business lending, Senator Warner said both would provide "tools in the toolbox" to help communities and businesses create jobs.

Here is a video from our visit to Danville and Martinsville:

The Danville Register & Bee was at the announcement and talked to some local officials for their reaction:

The federal government currently does not supplement economic development deals, Warner said. The proposed legislation would not allw federal government to play a role in picking projects -- that would remain up to localities, he said.

"We've seen too many jobs in the last decade go abroad," Warner said. "It's time to bring them back in." ...

"I think this is why we sent you to Washington," Pittsylvania Board of Supervisors Chairman Hank Davis said to Warner during his remarks.

"I think what he's proposing is fantastic and I hope it goes through," Davis said afterward. "It just gives us that much more buying power to be competitng with foreign countries."

Warner proposes economic development incentive
On January 12, the Danville Register & Bee covered Senator Warner's visit to the Essel Propoack manufacturing facility to announce a new legislation that he will introduce to help states and communities attract new jobs.