
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal's Dow Jones Newswire wrote about Senator Warner's bipartisan efforts to design a responsible strategy for ending the federal government's ownership stake in major private companies such as AIG, Citigroup and General Motors.

The article highlights the TARP Recipient Ownership Trust Act of 2009, which Senator Warner co-authored with Senator Bob Corker (R-TN).  

Though he's a freshman, Warner has embraced an active role on financial issues and plans to step up lobbying for his divestment plan in the coming weeks. At a time when there is some public perception that the government is too intertwined in certain sectors of the economy, it would send a clear message to voters that the actions of the last year will not result in permanent government involvement.  ...

"The goal here being to allow these companies if they fail to go out of business; for management, the equity, and the debt holders to take the hit and not the American taxpayer," Warner said.

Click here to read the entire article.