
U.S. Senators introduced Startup Act 2.0 May 22, which is aimed to boost entrepreneurship throughout the country.

The Business Journals’ Washington Bureau reports that the act is similar to the original Startup Act. The new act includes provisions such as giving foreigners who receive U.S. post-graduate degrees in technology, engineering and math green cards, permanently exempting startups from capital gains taxes as long as the stock is head for at least five years, accelerated commercialization of university research and development and a targeted R&D tax credit for new companies with less than $5 million in revenue.

Startups were given some help recently with the passing of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, which President Obama signed into effect April 5. The JOBS Act made it easier for young companies to get startup capital.

Many business groups, such as TechAmerica and the National Small Business Association, have endorsed the new startup act. However, some issues included in the bill could be points of contention, such immigration issues.

The Business Journals reports it could be too late in the year for the act to gain the traction it needs to pass.