
As we made our way up Route 81, we stopped at Wytheville Community College for a town hall meeting with over 150 students and local residents who came out to hear Senator Warner's report from Washington and to ask him questions. 

The discussion revealed some taxpayer frustration about the taxpayer dollars that are being used to bail-out some of the same financial institutions that are responsible for the economic downturn.  

"Amen," said Senator Warner, who has spent a lot of time over the last 90 days trying to figure out how the U.S. got into this mess through hearings on the Banking Committee.

"I'm sick of hearing from folks up in Washington that so-and-so bank is 'too big to fail,'" he said.

Richard Wolfe, an information systems instructor at Wytheville Community College, asked Senator Warner what type of regulations might be placed on our financial institutions to make sure so-called systemic risk -- a bank or financial institution being too big to fail -- does not happen again.

Here is what Mr. Wolfe had to say about Senator Warner's answer after the town hall meeting:


One of the Senator's ideas is to put in place federal guidelines to prevent systemic risk.  He said that he expects Congress to develop and implement new regulatory guidelines by the end of the year.