
Senator Warner called on America's business leaders to strengthen their commitment to community service today in a speech at the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, the world’s largest annual gathering of service and volunteer leaders, in New York City.

Senator Warner, who has worked closely with non-profit and community service programs for more than 20 years, has agreed to lead the "Billion + Change" initiative, created by the Corporation for National Community Service.

The program urges businesses to address community needs by encouraging their employees to engage in pro bono service that utilizes their specific skills. The goal is to aggregate $1 billion worth of pro bono service over three years.

He said today:

“Our service organizations can make great use of the talents of highly skilled employees, the efficiency of the technology used in the private sector, and the focus that our corporate partners apply every day to performance and results. In lean times, government cannot do it all, and our corporate partners have much to offer. Billion + Change will help our corporate partners encourage and support those employees who are looking for opportunities to become more involved in public service within their own communities.”

Senator Warner appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" this morning to discuss the "Billion + Change" initiative:

During the National Service Conference, Senator Warner also participated in a panel discussion on how to develop a national veterans service corps, a proposal he first introduced last year as part of the Ted Kennedy National Service Act. The Veterans Corps would provide community service opportunities for our nation's military men and women after they return home.

UPDATE: Here is video of Senator Warner's remarks to the National Conference on Volunteering and Service, at Radio City Music Hall in New York City: