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In his first speech on the Senate floor, Senator Warner discussed the need for greater transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility throughout the federal budget process. 

“What gets measured gets done,” Senator Warner said.

He cited his own successful efforts to reform state government and impose accountability measurements he grappled with a two-year, $6 billion state budget shortfall while serving as Virginia’s governor between 2002 and 2006. 

"Now, the American people are not expecting miracles. But at the very least they can -- and they should -- expect competence. We must put in place the people with the right skills, and insist on the appropriate measurements, and then demand transparency and accountability.”

Senator Warner called for online citizen access to a wider array of budget accountability information, based on credible measurements that track short- and long-term program outcomes, to help restore taxpayer confidence in the federal government’s commitment to fiscal restraint.

"In the short term, creating an expectation of transparency and accountability will maximize our bang-for-the-buck as we continue to implement the Recovery Act. And over the longer term, a focus and a genuine commitment to fiscal responsibility will demonstrate that Washington can, in fact, act with both competence and restraint when it comes to spending the taxpayer’s money."

Here is full-text of his speech