Tour Requests

If you are a Virginian and plan to visit Washington, D.C., my office would like to help you make the most of your stay. We can assist with tour requests for the U.S. Capitol, the White House, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Treasury Department. Tours fill up quickly and are allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we recommend submitting your request as early as possible.

Please read through this page carefully for further instructions.

The United States Capitol is the heart of democracy and has welcomed millions of visitors from around the world. The Capitol building represents our nation’s rich history and traditions, but it is also a working office building where issues facing the nation are debated and addressed through legislation. In advance of your visit, we recommend visiting the Capitol Visitor Center website. It provides a wealth of knowledge about the Capitol building, as well as practical advice for your trip.

The Capitol Visitor Center is open Monday-Saturday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tours begin every 10 minutes until 3:20 p.m. Reservations are recommended, but not required. Visit the schedule a tour page to select a day/time for a reservation. Visitors without reservations are encouraged to arrive at the Capitol Visitor Center as early in the day as possible, but no later than 2:30 p.m., to obtain passes.

Staff-Led Tours

Staff-led tours can be requested for Virginia residents by emailing with your group size, address, and at least three options for dates.

Visitor groups are limited to 15 participants. Please note, our office may not be able to accommodate all staff-led tour requests. Because tour availability is limited and is in high demand, we request that you submit your official request at least 6 weeks in advance.   


Gallery Passes

Gallery passes may be used to watch the Senate debate and vote from the galleries above. Passes can be picked up from our office, 703 Hart Senate Office Building. Gallery passes may be picked up on the day of your arrival before you head over to the Capitol or any other day you prefer. Our office is open 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. The best way to get to our office is by entering through the public entrance on 120 Constitution Ave NE. If there are any international visitors in your group, they will need to pick up an international gallery pass in the Capitol Visitor’s Center located at one of the information desks when you enter the building.

Gallery Information: The galleries open 30 minutes prior to session and will remain open until adjournment each day. When the Senate is not in session, the Senate Galleries will be open from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with the exception of Federal holidays. You can view the Senate Session calendar here:

Virtual Capitol Tour

Join one of the Capitol’s knowledgeable tour guides for a live, virtual tour of the Capitol. The tour includes the Crypt, Rotunda, National Statuary Hall, the Old Supreme Court Chamber, and the Old Senate Chamber. The tour will have live video and audio with time for questions and answers.

These online tours are available upon request by emailing Tours are 45-60 minutes, including time for questions and answers. Tour participation requires a device that plays sound and video. Participants will not be on camera and will submit questions via the chat feature.

The White House currently offers tour on a limited basis from 7:30am to 11:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday or 7:30 am to 1:30 pm on Friday and Saturday. excluding Federal holidays or unless otherwise noted. As one of our nation’s most prized and historic landmarks, the White House receives an incredibly high volume of requests to tour on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order to best accommodate this demand, Congressional offices help by submitting tour requests to the White House on constituents’ behalf. Final approval, however, comes directly from the White House and is based solely on their availability.

Our office can request tickets for these tours of the East Wing on your behalf. White House Tours must be requested at least 21 days in advance, although we strongly recommend you submit your request for a tour as close to 90 days in advance as possible, as White House tours book quickly.

If you are a Virginia resident interested in touring the White House, please email with the following information:

  • Address
  • Size of the group looking to tour 
    • Please note that the White House only accepts requests from groups of 50 guests or smaller.
  • The email address to which you’d like tour updates sent
  • 3 dates of preference for your tour 
    • Please note that exact tour times may not be requested. Preference dates should only be listed if your group is available for any of the tour time slots (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

NOTE: Individuals cannot be added after a request has been submitted. If there are individuals who may join the group on the tour, include them in your count. The tour request capacity will automatically adjust after the registration deadline based on the number of RSVPs received (i.e. if you request a tour for 5, but only 4 guests RSVP, the tour will auto-adjust to 4).

Once your request has been submitted to the White House by our office, you will receive an email from the White House which will contain a secure RSVP link. Upon receipt of that email, the White House gives you 72 hours to upload your group’s personal information via the secure link. All RSVPs, regardless of age - including infants, toddlers, and minors - must be submitted before the deadline. If you have not uploaded your group’s information within that period, the White House releases your request. Additional instructions will be emailed to you at this stage.

A final confirmation or denial notice will be sent to you by the White House approximately 14 days prior to your requested date. Due to the fluid nature of the White House’s schedule, they are often unable to finalize requests before this point. Our office will not receive advance notice of the White House’s decision.



Tours of the White House are self-guided, and typically last about 45 minutes in duration.

The White House strongly encourages the use of public transportation, as street parking is not available near the White House.

The closest Metro stations to the White House are McPherson Square (blue, orange, and silver lines), Farragut West (blue, orange, silver, and red lines), Farragut North (red line), Metro Center (blue, orange, silver, and red lines), and Federal Triangle (on the blue, orange, and silver lines).  

Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled tour time – this will help facilitate check-in and security screening.

Dress for the weather – guests will be standing outside before their tour.

Eat a snack and hydrate prior to arrival – guests are prohibited from bringing outside food and drink into the White House. Additionally, there are no restrooms available upon entering the White House.

Prohibited items:

  • Video cameras, cameras with detachable lenses, tablets, iPads, tripods, monopods, and camera sticks.

  • Bags of any kind (handbags, purses, book bags, and backpacks).

  • Strollers and diaper bags

  • Food, liquids, aerosols, tobacco products, personal grooming items (i.e. makeup, lotion, etc.)

  • Any pointed object, guns, ammunition, fireworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons/devices, toy weapons or knives of any kind

Allowed items:

  • Smartphones and cameras with compact lenses.

  • Medical bags are accepted but must be declared upon arrival.

Please note that there are no storage facilities available on the White House complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will be turned away.

Other Tours 

Tours for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Treasury Department, and the FBI can be requested by emailing with your group size, address, and at least three options for dates.