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Wall Street Journal: A Bipartisan Plan for Job Creation


Feb 07 2012

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama called on Congress to pass an agenda that helps start-ups and small businesses succeed. We have already introduced a plan that shares his goals. It's called the Startup Act. Research conducted by the Kauffman Foundation and others has consistently shown that companies less than five years old accounted for nearly all net job creation in our economy over the past three decades.
The proposals borrow from past Obama initiatives and from bipartisan legislation that has either already passed in the House or is being proposed in the Senate. Obama’s package includes proposals offered in the Senate by Democrat Chris Coons of Delaware and Republican Marco Rubio of Florida, and another plan by Republican Jerry Moran of Kansas and Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia.
Senator Warner today applauded the President’s announcement that he will promote international tourism by issuing an executive order to speed the processing of tourist visas. I commend the President on this encouraging step toward promoting tourism by reforming the visa process for international visitors. Tourism brings $1.25 billion in revenue to Virginia annually.