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“The Startup Act 2.0 is a package of common sense approaches that will spur innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation. It will allow foreign-born, U.S.-educated immigrants to remain in America and use their training to build businesses and create domestic jobs. It also clears away a variety of anachronistic regulations that have made it difficult for small businesses to expand and thrive.
What do Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Chris Coons (D-Del.) have in common?Not much when it comes to their voting records. But today these Republican and Democratic Senators did something we haven't seen in long time -- they showed uncommon bipartisan leadership by introducing the Startup Act 2.0.
Much of the time, Congress is, well, Congress. Gridlocked, combative, dysfunctional are only three of the adjectives that might be routinely applied. But some days, like Tuesday, there is a hint of a different institution – you might call it the Voltaire Congress, refusing to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.