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Sen. Mark R. Warner said Friday that the Charlottesville region would be one of the biggest beneficiaries in the state if his legislative efforts to boost startup companies are successful. “Charlottesville is going to gain more from this kind of legislative activity than almost anywhere in Virginia,” Warner said in an interview.
Charlottesville's Mikro, Inc. is a great company most people probably have never heard of: its advanced manufacturing processes allow it to produce cutting-edge, clean energy wind turbines and sophisticated medical instruments. And when foreign investors recently suggested moving the operation offshore, Mikro executives insisted on keeping the facility in Central Virginia.
The proposals borrow from past Obama initiatives and from bipartisan legislation that has either already passed in the House or is being proposed in the Senate. Obama’s package includes proposals offered in the Senate by Democrat Chris Coons of Delaware and Republican Marco Rubio of Florida, and another plan by Republican Jerry Moran of Kansas and Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia.

Español y Ingles

Oct 06 2011

Senator Warner says he will champion increased access to capital and greater federal contracting opportunities for Latino-owned businesses. The Senator spoke at a Latino Business Summit on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Senator Warner joined Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and FDIC Chair Sheila Bair today at a CNBC conference on removing obstacles to lending to America’s small businesses. Senator Warner also spoke about a new tool from the FDIC to give small businesses a “second look” when loans are denied.

To revive the economy, pull back the red tape

By Mark R. Warner

Dec 13 2010

Senator Warner penned an op-ed in the Washington Post on Monday December 13, 2010 that argues for a regulatory "pay as you go" system. Senator Warner is drafting legislation that would require federal agencies to identify and eliminate one existing regulation for each new regulation they want to add.