Press Releases

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Mark Warner released the following statement today on the announcement by Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd on bipartisan negotiations for financial regulatory reform:

“Chairman Dodd made an important decision last November to create a bipartisan process to our efforts on financial re-regulation, and I know he remains as committed today to passing a bipartisan bill.

“I have been able to make important progress with Senator Corker, who has been a tremendous working partner. We have not agreed on every issue, but we continue to agree on the need for strong reform of the financial sector. I have every confidence that our proposed solutions to address systemic risk and “too big to fail” will be bipartisan, and Chairman Dodd has assured me that our progress will be reflected in any legislation that moves forward.


“It has been almost two years since Bear Stearns collapsed, and 18 months since Lehman Brothers went into Chapter 11 and AIG was bailed-out by the taxpayers. We must move forward to modernize our regulations in order to restore American leadership in global financial markets.”
