Press Releases

Justice Leroy HassellSenator Warner issued the following statement today on the death of Virginia Supreme Court Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr.

“I am deeply saddened to hear of the sudden passing of my friend, Supreme Court Justice Leroy Hassell.

“Leroy was a groundbreaking lawyer, a dedicated public servant and my good friend. I was fortunate to know Leroy from the time we met as law school classmates more than 30 years ago, and as Governor it was a tremendous honor to witness his swearing-in as the first African American chief justice of the Virginia Supreme Court.

"Leroy spent his life working to ensure that our justice system was fair and open to all, and his tireless work ethic and strong sense of personal responsibility and morality will be missed.

“My deepest sympathies go out to Justice Hassell’s family, friends, colleagues and admirers.”