Press Releases

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the below statement after the Senate voted 60-38 to confirm Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor: 

"Last month, I had a productive meeting with Mr. Acosta, where we discussed a number of Virginia’s priorities, including how the Department of Labor (DOL) can improve H-2B visa processing, a fix that is critical for Virginia’s seafood industry and regional economies. I also look forward to working with Mr. Acosta on the important role that DOL can play in helping workers adapt to the changing nature of work in America. 

"While I was disappointed that he did not make stronger commitments throughout his confirmation process, Mr. Acosta expressed to me during our meeting his understanding of the crucial work of the the agency. I remain committed to ensuring that under his leadership, DOL does not undermine crucial protections for American workers and their families."
