Press Releases

Statement of Sen. Warner on EPA Draft Regulations on Existing Power Plants

~ On Today’s EPA Announcement of Draft Regulations for Existing Power Plants ~

Jun 02 2014

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Clean Power Plan’ to reduce carbon emissions from existing power plants:

“Virginia is at the center of the national debate on climate change, with our coalfields in southwest Virginia and the Commonwealth’s coastal cities beginning to see the impact of sea rise. These draft regulations on existing source carbon power plant emissions are complicated, consequential and far-reaching, and I am pleased the Administration wisely decided to accept our recommendation to double the comment period from 60 to 120 days. 

“This is a first step in a very long process, and it is important that Virginians have a full and fair opportunity to express their views on the proposed rule. I will review the EPA proposal and consult with a broad variety of Virginia stakeholders on these issues. I will work to ensure that any final rule provides Virginia with adequate flexibility, enhances innovation and R&D in clean coal, and ensures that we maintain a safe and reliable energy network to power a competitive economy.”