Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine expressed their support for Elizabeth K. Dillon, nominee to the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, as the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to consider her nomination.

“Elizabeth is exceptionally well qualified to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a judge for the Western District of Virginia. She possesses the experience, integrity, temperament and expertise that we expect of nominees to the District Court,” Warner wrote. “Although she may not be the loudest voice in a room, Elizabeth speaks with a firm and confident tone that conveys both passion and fairness. Through my encounters with her, I am convinced that she will capably and dutifully perform the duties required of her in this position.”

“Elizabeth Dillon’s career reflects a dedication to the law that has focused on employment issues, civil rights, and local government that will serve her well as a federal district court judge,” wrote Kaine.  “She boasts extremely qualified credentials to serve, and her intimate familiarity with the court, its rules, and the docket will prove invaluable for any newcomer to the bench… As the Senate moves forward in the confirmation process, I am happy to support Ms. Dillon to the bench in the Western District of Virginia.”

Warner and Kaine recommended Dillon in June and President Obama announced her nomination in September. If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Dillon will be the first woman to serve on the Western District bench.

Senator Warner’s full statement for the record can be found here. Senator Kaine’s statement can be found here